Friday, 15 June 2018

Story time.

As I basical done nothing but listening to music. Like I am listening to a song now. But that doesn't count, as when I type the blog I have the same song on repeat, as I know the tune and I know I enjoy the song. Plus it reflect my mood. Like I currently listening to Rewrite the stars from the greatest Snowman.

As I done nothing. I thought you might be interested in what I wrote in Word art on Wednesday. It not brilliant I know that, but it something to fill the space. This was meant to be a simple five minute task but it somehow ended taking up the full two hours.


It was a lovely day as I walked out of the door. It is a nice change from what it has been like these past couple of weeks. We can finally say that spring have arrived. However I wasn't taking any chances and I had a umbrella in my bag, after all we are in England. I live in a small village in the English country side, and today is the start of the village festival, the whole village come together and have fun, it is the first year my Grandpa entered without Grandma by his side. This is one of the reason I am back in the village. 

I had to move closer because I am the only family he got now. After ma and pa died when I was five. I promised to be by there side. However at the age of 25 I thought I would be living my own live. I did for a while, I do love this village, it historical building, it cobal streets, it little family own café and tea shops. There isn't a new built in the village.

"Hello Tessy." That what I hate about this Village Mr Eriksson son Mark. He had this way with the lady's, he very charming and kind. Yes he is kind. There always a price to pay with him. I learnt that the hard way. He dated me because he wanted my family farm and when we wasn't selling he for very aggressive towards me..

I quickly walked trying to get away from him, but he grabbed my wrist tightly. "Get off me Mark." I tried to stay calm but try to get my wrist from his grin, but it wasn't getting out. It like he was got physical stronger, which really scared me. 

I could tell by his laugh that he can tell that I was scared. It was one of those evil laugh in a horror movie before the killer kill. "Oh Tessy, why are you scared? You used to enjoy me grabbing your wrist like this.' He smirked.

 I turned to face him. He hasn't change much in three years since I left. He dyed his hair to a copper colour. However his lime green eyes haven't change, they are cutting into my soul, like a sword on fire. I was struggling now. " Duck miss." Was all that I heard, as I quickly move just in time to see a fist flying past my head.

Mark let go, I managed to step back and stop myself from falling, but by the time I look at what was happening. Mark was punching the unknown guy, and he is badly bleeding. In the end he stopped when he was happy. He look at me angrily. "You will be my wife one day, and I will have your farm. As if you don't." He looked down to the unknown guy. He moved slightly. "The next won't be so lucky." He walked away.

I quickly ran over to the guy and kneeled beside him and pulled out my phone. I rang 999. "Hello 999 I need an amberlance at Wintercross bank near the Wintercross statue." 

Just then I felt a hand touch my hand. "Put the phone down. I am stronger then you think." 

I shock my head. "He been badly beaten up protecting me. He bleeding." I look in his eyes. Something in his eyes says that he is special. I looked down to his wounds. They seam to be clearing. 

I looked back up to his eyes and he smiled. He reached for my phone and I was wary but his eyes says to trust him. So I did. He place the phone to his ear and say. "Sorry miss. We don't need it now. All he needed was a few pain killers and plasters. Sorry again and thank for your time." Before I know it he place the phone back in my hand and stood up. Walking away.


That it what I wrote.

Anyway got to go.

Goodnight everybody

Love you

Zanny xx

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