Tuesday, 19 June 2018


So today been a lovely day. Well apart from trying to convert a AVI file, to a MP4 or a MOV, which didn't want to convert for some unknown reason, and we tried serval different sites and it was either didn't want to convert or say there a charge. They one that did convert it seem to not like my voice so just converted the audio.

Then afterwards I had a bit of lunch at Bankers Draft as somehow after meeting my nomad coach. I always end up hungry. Somehow we always talk about food, or hot celebrities. Which isn't a bad thing. I enjoy talking about hot celebs, to be honest I think my Nomad coach have a thing Leonardo DiCaprio.

Then afterwards I got something for painted fabrics show. Which is going really well. Very creative session, as we had a chance to explore who the characters we want to link all the historical events of Painted fabrics. So there was hot seats, it was interesting to get into a mind frame, of character that haven't been created yet. But that made it easier because then if it someone who is real or a character that already been created. As it like yeah I feel like that what they say. Instead of would they, wouldn't they.

Anyway I need to somehow rewrite stand up comedy piece for the workshop that I am doing on Thursday. So that going to be fun to rewrite it.

Anyway got to go.

Goodnight everybody

Love you

Zanny xx

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