Monday, 15 January 2018

Panic alarm

Today I went to see my somebody o basically try and get me out the house more often. One of the things because of where I live and some nights I have to walk back quiet late. Even though it like 7pm but round my area that time onwards for a female isn't safe. So she for me a Panic alarm.

However she asked the police if there any chance I could be given one, because of where I am living I am high risk. However their response was we only give them to victims of crime which is stupid in my opinion. Half of the victims wouldn't be victims if they had a panic alarm on them.

Anyway I asked for a Blue one. Even though I was told that they mainly in pink... I was like that sooo sexist. So I decided to be annoying and asked for a blue one. Anyway I like blue, like come on my favorite colour is Turquoise. I said of not blue then black, I'm so not having pink.

For the rest of the day it was avoiding snacking and eating much. Ad I don't have much in my kitchen, basically it a dessert with like a cactus or two. But at the moment I just hope the money go through tomorrow, because you never know when and if the money going in with this government.

Like there people out there who basically abuse the benefit system, and they don't do anything about it. But then they have to cut on how much people can get for benefits. Then that means the people who really need the money struggle with paying rent and get food in that will least them long enough till next pay day.

Anyway rent over.

Goodnight everybody

Love you


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