Sunday, 14 January 2018

Church and YouTube

Today I chilled out for the morning as I was super tried and needed to catch up on sleep, as I had to get up early the past couple of days and haven't had much sleep due to it.

About 3:30pm I headed down to Hope City church for the 5pm. Before you ask it takes me aboard 45 minuets to get to and from Hope City do I need to get there with enough time to at least say Hello to all my friends and find a seat.

Today service was about facing you fears and that we just need to do it and not wait till you not scared of it anymore. Yeah right like I am so not going to do anything that involves jumping and heights.  Unless the height involves me being in a plane to a hot country, and jumping, I will be only be jumping for joy for when ETAJ goes on Tour and go to Leicester and to it home town of Sheffield. It will one day. It just have to go to Leicester and Sheffield. It just wrong if it doesn't.

Anyway when I got back at half 7pm I made myself some dinner and watched a couple of YouTube videos by Chris Villain. If you don't know who he is. He a an amazing cosplayer and singer from LA. He creates a lot of music videos as well as cosplays. He done vlogs with his friend, Tyler, Dre and Leo Camacho to name a few.

I've been a fan of his ad been following his work since late 2015 and he never seams to fail on making me laugh. Also he a very few youtubers where they will open his fan mail and post his response on camera.

Anyway it getting late now.


Love you

Zanny xx

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