Thursday, 17 May 2018

What the ...

I feel so stress right now. I told my key worker want me to me into "Care Home." Which is in s12, now if I was to get to town, it is a 20 minute tram journey from town. Now I wouldn't mind if I can afford it. Now one or two timed every fortnight would be OK. However most of my social for mental health is in and around town. 

Now I told this to my key worker that my friends, helped me when I get super depressed an end my life. So staying close to them is very important. Not just for my metal health, but because I care about them. I love my friends.

I honestly feel like my life is falling down, like the people who meant to help don't truly care. Like why should I keep on talk to people, and tell them my problem and what I think is best, if they don't want to help or don't listen what I truly want if they send you somewhere else.

I sick and tired of putting up high hopes in my life if I going to be stuck in a living nightmare. I want it to stop but there nowhere. There truly nothing on this planet for

Anyway got to go


Love you

Zanny xx

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