Wednesday, 2 May 2018

Late night talk

I know that this is later then the time I normally do it. As I literally came back to the hostel like twenty minutes ago. Well as I started writing this I would have. As I've just been to Dinner parties which is something my church does. As Hope City believe that a church isn't just a Sunday thing and that we should have a community outside of Sunday Church.  Plus the Church there so many people in which you can easily get lost, in the sense you don't feel connected.

Enough about Hope City, as I am not that sort of Christian that goes on about Church and Christianity. There is more to me then my faith. Which I know I'm still trying to understand, but my faith is only a puzzle piece.

I do enjoy other things. For example, I love reading, writing, singing (when nobody listening of course. Don't want to scare anybody with my terrible voice.) As well as watching movies especially fantasy, watching TV, e.g. call the midwife, going to theater, however the last time I want to the theater was in November and that was to see Everybody Talking about Jamie. I also love spending time with friends.

However people don't understand this about me. That is I love spending time on my own. I've been like that since I was a child. I wasn't really one to go out much and play with friends. I would mainly stay inside and watch TV. For me of it does have an effect on me if I spend to much time with people during a space of seven days. I will see people, but it does have an effect on my mind and body if I don't have enough me time. Like I feel super tired, and physical ill.

I know that this is probably to much information, but I just in a mood. That the only way I can express my thoughts is through my blogs. As it feels like the people who read my blogs are the only people who care, and the only people who are actually interesting in what I got to write. Even though, before any of you say anything I know what you going to say, but don't you lying, you trying to make me feel better about my writing skills and my life is great. However my life is so dull and grey, there nothing special about plain old Zanny Taylor. I'm just an average 22 year old girl from Leicester, who trying to start her new life in Sheffield.

Anyway it currently 10:35pm so I going wrap this up.

Goodnight everybody

Love you

Zanny xx

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