Sunday, 19 August 2018

Power of writing

For most of the day o tried to thing to write about something to cheer me up. Like most of the time writing things day allow to express my feeling where the spoken word have failed me.

The past 2 weeks the power of writing though other means and singing have helped me more then police can mentally. As writing and singing help me to forget my trouble through art. I know I am not perfect, beautiful or smart, and I face the fact.

But I know I am strong, I am a fighter, I know I am knockout but I will stand up again. It just going to take son time till I will be able to stand on my own two feet on my own.

I can be strong and I will fight for what I believe in and that people doesn't matter what they look like, where they are from, how they talk, gender, sexual orientation, or skin colour, we all living on th planet and we should be able to share it.  We all different and we need to face it.

People think cause the way I look, I'm stupid, that I am going to take longer to understand simplest of things. I was reading thick encyclopedia which was a hafty book when I was 9 or 10 years old. I knew Roman numeral from a young age, as well as a lot of Greek and roman Gods. It something I really enjoyed and still enjoy. But people forget that because of my face.

Anyway got to go


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